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HelpILO - a project by Bergen ILO group

HelpILO considers the respiratory system as whole, and researches its components with focus on inducible laryngeal obstruction.


EILO Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction


EILO Randomised Control Trial

We will test 4 different approaches to conservative treatment in a randomised controlled design in 350 patients consecutively diagnosed with EILO at Haukeland University Hospital.



ILO and Asthma

We know that inducable laryngeal obstruction can occur in patients who also have asthma. This research is focused on patients with severe, difficult to treat, asthma. The main purpose is to investigate whether or not ILO is more common in severe asthma than in mild asthma or healthy subjects.



ILO and Non-Invasive Ventilation Support

We develop knowledge that will support and modify the current respiratory treatment of adults and children with motor neurone diseases. We have the world's first PhD within this field.

We want to help patients with difficult-to-treat breathing problems

Breathing problems are the most frequent reason world wide for doctor appointments.

Today more than 339 million people have asthma.

Hege Clemm Bergen ILO group HelpILO

Principal investigators :

Hege Clemm


John-Helge Heimdal

John-Helge Heimdal helpILO
Abstract Paint
White on Transparent.png


WestPaed Research
Universitetet i Bergen
Helse Bergen Haukeland Universitetssjukehus
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